Wednesday, January 18, 2012

On the Farm - The Daily Life (Day #8)

1/11/12 It is kind of funny but not; the chicken, everyone knows have a "pecking" order.  The older chickens have always kept the others away even when they feed.  It's taken the new ones all year to get (there I go again) in the farm everything is Biggggg!; big enough to not get picked on.  They have to run around in their side of the place and always apart from the older group.  Now, even the old rooster has a match, cause we wound up with a new rooster and have another "Big Boy" in the block.  What is funny is that at evening time when they all want to roost in the hooch, one of the "banty hens" keeps chasing the new one round and round, until we have to come and rescue him, by chasing them both in.  What a big "wuss".  It is so cold out there that the eggs were frozen when we got them.  Any day when its 21 degrees but the wind is not blowing, is always a "Good" day. 

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